Sunday, May 5, 2024

Say Goodbye to Cloud Egress Fees

2 min read

Say Goodbye to $0.09/TB at Amazon Web Service, $0.08/TB at Microsoft Azure and $0.12/TB at Google Cloud.

Earlier this year, Google cloud announced that it will eliminate egress fees for users to move into other cloud, providers, or on premises. And we believe that it was a strategic move to attract customers from its larger competitors, AWS and Microsoft. It was also a response to regulatory pressures, greater competition, and the significantly lower cost of hardware in the past. 

Following Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure soon also announced that they would no longer charge egress fees for customers. Egress fees are the charges incurred when transferring data from one cloud provider to another or back to an on-premises infrastructure. For enterprise organizations with vast amounts of data, these fees can quickly accumulate, making it economically impractical to switch cloud providers. According to cloudClare research, the reducing or eliminating egress fees can save customers between 7.5% and 27% of their total monthly bill. 

Say Goodbye to Cloud Egress Fees.
Say Goodbye to Cloud Egress Fees.

Why do we care?

We are excited about this, because it wins for both cloud providers, and most importantly for users.

As the cloud computing market becomes more saturated, providers are under pressure to attract and retain customers. For cloud providers, reducing fees is a competitive strategy to stand out in a crowded market, especially against rivals who may be offering similar services at lower costs. Now they choose to pass the savings onto the customer, which will help businesses improve productivity and build more within the budget. Furthermore, it's even better news for enterprises leveraging hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. We would like to see customers move data freely across different environments, achieving better flexibility and becoming more versatile in their cloud journey.

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